
Great way to pick up the basic skills of tennis. Group Coaching provides a steady progression rate through the tennis pathways & is perfect for both adult and juniors wanting to learn the basics of tennis. Junior Group Coaching options include...
School Coaching 5 – 12yrs
Hotshots Blue 3 & 4yrs
Hotshots Red 5 – 8yrs
Hotshots Orange 8– 10yrs
Hotshots Green 10 – 12yrs
Teen Tennis 13yrs+
N.B The age range next to each group coaching class should be interpreted as per the example below…
E.g A 7/8yr old beginner should start in Hotshots Red however an experienced 7/8yr old would be more suited to the Hotshots Orange class.
private COACHING
One on one private lessons
Good option for talented juniors choosing to fast track their tennis development. One on one individualised attention is the most effective way to improve your technical development as a player.
Also a great option for a junior picking the game up for the first time and wanting to get some confidence before joining the group classes. This allows the coach to teach you the basics so you can join into a group lesson with people of a similar age and not feel like a complete beginner.
Semi private lessons (2 people)
Great option for someone who wants more personalized attention without the price tag of a private lesson. Max of 2 pupils per lesson. This is ideal for people wanting to have a lesson with their friends or siblings of a similar ability. N.B players must be of similar skill level.
To book a private lesson please email proshop@puretennis.com.au
First step to learning the rules, scoring & etiquette of tennis matches. Matchplay provides an accelerated progression rate through the tennis pathways when coupled with a coaching lesson. Matchplay is perfect for...
Children aged 7yrs – Teenagers wanting to PLAY the game of tennis
Players wanting to represent the club in inter-club fixtures (Super League)
Parents who want their child to learn good sportsmanship, etiquette & improve their decision making skills
Each week pupils earn points which are tallied weekly over a 6mth period, culminating in a fun finals day!
futures coaching pathway
Includes a 1hr group lesson + 1 matchplay session each week (2 sessions per week)
Futures Lessons are made up of pupils of a similar skill level and motivation to move into a competition focused program
Excellent for players who have learnt the skills required to start playing matches and are looking to take their tennis skills to the next level.
Prepares children for Inter club competitions & tournaments
Increases children’s confidence and improves social skills
Progression is into our Squad & Tournament touring groups
Our squad program allows for game strategies in all situations through tactical and drills based training for players wanting to improve their matchplay. Squad sessions are longer in duration (1.5hrs Green Squad & 2hrs Hard Ball Squad) and focuses on physical fitness & tactical play. Our squad players compete in InterClub Fixtures &/or Tournaments.
super league
Saturday Super League Fixtures is an Inter Club competition which is played across the Northside of Brisbane (Highest Div's play across all of Brisbane). Tennis Brisbane manages the competition and grades players into divisions based on their UTR (universal tennis rating) and the clubs recommendations. Players represent Pure Tennis and compete against other clubs each week for a 6mth duration.
spanish drills
For those keen players wanting to keep progressing their tennis development, spanish drills is an early morning hitting program that provides players 2 extra on court sessions per week. It is a great way to start the day!
Tournament touring team
Tournaments are the next step for our Juniors who have built confidence competing through our matchplay and Super League pathway. To help players and parents navigate the tournament scene we have put together a calendar of tournaments that a Pure Coach will attend to provide support, warm up the players and set up a base for Pure Tennis Families at these tournaments.
hotshots holiday camps (5-12yrs)
The Pure Tennis Holiday Camps are a great way to keep your kids active and off their screens during the school holidays.
With a regular change in activities and sports to try, these camps are suitable for all kids of all abilities - not just those who love tennis!
holiday matchplay camps (10-15yrs)
Our holiday matchplay camps are a great opportunity for our keen matchplay & tournament players to continue their tennis development over the school holiday period whilst lessons are not on. These camps give players the opportunity to play lots of matches with off court fun competitions added each day to mix it up!